Subs are currently £29 a quarter payable through Online Scout Manager.
Payments are due on the following dates:-
28th February
31st May
31st August
30th November
Membership subs cover the day to day activities of all the Beaver, Cub and Scout sections, alongside subscriptions to District and to cover the cost of running the Hall and other activities.
There are some concessions for more than one family member in the Group. Please contact the Section Leader for information. His contact details can be found in your Welcome pack.
If for any reason you believe you may have difficulty in paying subs you should discuss this with the Section Leader/GSL to agree longer or easier payment terms. All discussions on financial matters will be confidential. Cost should not be a barrier to anyone taking part in Scouting.
Gift Aid
All subs paid to our group are eligible for gift-aid. This means that if you are a tax-payer, for every £1 you pay in subs our scout group can claim an additional 25p from HMRC.
On our current £24 per term subs that’s an additional £6 per term.
We usually spend Gift Aid revenues on large purchases like tents and camping equipment for the group. This means that more of your subs can be spent on providing activities for the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts.
If your circumstances change and you can no longer claim gift aid or you wish to switch which parent claims gift aid then please contact our Section Leader.