Privacy Policy
The 1st Usk Scout Group operates a strict privacy policy.
We will respect any personal details we gather during any transactions on this site and keep them safe and private.
We will never pass on your details to third parties without your explicit prior consent.
The 1st Usk Scout Group makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information on this website but will not be held responsible for any loss, damage or inconvenience arising in any way whatsoever from the use of this website.
The 1st Usk Scout Group provides links to external websites. Listing of sites and links to them should not be taken as an endorsement of any kind.
The 1st Usk Scout Group does not accept responsibility for the contents or reliability of any linked web sites including their accuracy or content.
If you come across any external links that do not work or notice any errors or out of date information please let us know.
Copyright 2015. The content of this website are the copyright of the 1st Usk Scout Group 2015, Registered Charity 525168